Product Guarantee Policy

Our industry leading Product Guarantee Policy is intended to be simple and straight-forward. No fine print or odd requests to cover up dragging our feet. Simply put, if PG Wood Imports delivers a product to you that is not within the specifications agreed upon when you placed your Purchase Order with us, we will credit you and send our own carrier in to pick up the material.

The few rules we do have are simple:

Written Notification PG Wood Imports must be notified in writing of any claim within 30 days of delivery of the goods or release of the goods to the customer. Claims cannot be processed if submitted more than 30 days after delivery or release to the customer. Written notifications must include the following:

Total number of pieces and/or crates being claimed

Detailed description of why the material is being claimed

Confirmation of which truck/container the claimed material was delivered on/in – (Truck Release #, Container # and/or B/L #)

A signed copy of the receiving report to the customer’s facility

Digital photography of the material being claimed.Photos must clearly show (when possible) the defects and must include identifying marks tying the product back to PG Wood. Identifying marks are:

a.Crate markings
b.Stamp on the corner of each sheet of plywood
c.Any other proprietary marking that can be associated with PG Wood

Re-Packaging Claimed Material The customer will be responsible for re-packaging the material being claimed as closely as possible to the way it arrived to the customer.

  1. Piece counts per crate must be the same as they were upon arrival.
  2. Pieces must be stacked neatly and squarely within the re-packaged crate.
  3. Original crating materials must be used in the re-packaged crates whenever possible.
  4. Runners must be placed back under the crates as they were when the crates arrived to the customer.
  5. Bands must be applied neatly and securely for safe transport.

Contact us for more details on our quality guarantee or technical specifications.